Our face fit testing service is conducted by competent fit test operators, using the PortaCount instrument, to quantitatively fit test all tight-fitting respirators to ensure the RPE being used in the workplace seals adequately to the user’s face.
We offer the flexibility of face fit testing at your workplace or at our Cairns office, at a time suitable to you.
Call us on 0400 119 087 or email info@cairnsfacefit.com.au to discuss testing options to suit your business and personal requirements.
All workplaces that use RPE should implement a respiratory protection program.
Respiratory requirements are regulated through the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 which ensures that workplaces provide adequate protection to their workers who may be exposed to viruses, hazardous particles and chemicals.
The Australian Standard AS/NZ 1715:2009 requires Respiratory Protection Equipment (RPE) users with a tight-fitting facepiece to carry out a fit test at least once per year.
Respiratory Protection Equipment is important for personal safety as it helps reduce the risk of Respiratory illness and other health problems associated with exposure to hazardous substances.
Quantitative fit testing is considered the gold standard for workers exposed to hazardous particles in the workplace as it provides information about how well the respirator actually fits, which eliminates the error associated with qualitative fit testing.
Owner Michael Daley
We believe what really sets us apart from the competition is our commitment to customer service.
Our core customer service values are: